Even CNN has jumped on board the great BigFoot Hoax, OMG what a stooge, it really is a big joke, so many people are swarming to the hoax, CNN has launched several media reports in relation to the hoax, CNN Bigfoot and CBS, Fox etc are below. :
Bigfoot body found

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Bigfoot may have been found. Maybe. We'll see. Two Northern California men and two Georgians say they've got a body, a photo and DNA evidence pertaining to the elusive forest-dwelling man-ape — and that they'll reveal all at a press...
Bigfoot (Sasquatch) PROOF IT IS A FAKE! Found in Northern...

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
What is Ron Jeremy doing in that box? BIGFOOT BODY FOUND August 12, 2008 DNA evidence and photo evidence to be presented at a PRESS CONFERENCE to be held on Date: Friday, August 15, 2008 Time: From 12Noon-1:00pm Place: Cabana Hotel-Palo...

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
Interview from Fox News Live. There will be a huge press conference held on 8/15 at 12p pst with more details.
BigFoot's Body FOUND in Georgia!

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
Bigfoot may have been found. Maybe. We'll see. Two Northern California men and two Georgians say they've got a body, a photo and DNA evidence pertaining to the elusive forest-dwelling man-ape — and that they'll reveal all at a press...

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
Press Conference for bigfoot inc united

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
Press release with D.Dyer G.Parker T.Biscardi ,regarding the north Georgia discovery of the rickmatt creature,,,
The Search for Bigfoot - EPISODE #1

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In the 1st episode of "The Search for Bigfoot"... We interview frequent Coast to Coast AM guest Red Elk and the search begins in the forests of Washington State.
The Search for Bigfoot - EPISODE #2

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
In the 2nd episode of "The Search for Bigfoot"... We go in depth in our interview with frequent Coast to Coast AM guest Red Elk. - http://TheConnerBrothers.com
Bigfoot Lives Trailer

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General
Follow the travels of world renowed Bigfoot researcher, Tom Biscardi and the Searching for Bigfoot, Inc team!